Our universe as we know is everything. From the smallest cells to the biggest stars to the biggest of biggest galaxies. Like everything we have known has had a starting, the universe itself had a marvellous story to its start. Connecting all dots of the riddle and putting together the solution to the question of how the universe actually started i wrote this down!

THEORY 1: the birth

      Approximately 13.8 billion years ago the universe was born. There are multiple scientific theories and creation meths which have tried to explain the creation of the massive cosmos present today. But the most prominent and accepted theory is the Big bang theory.

       So the universe began from a hot and an infinitely dense point which wasn’t more than a few millimetres wide and was similar to a super charged black hole. And then this tiny singularity exploded. TIME, MATTER, ENERGY and SPACE were the products of the explosion.

       Right now the universe is expanding at light speed or the coronavirus( whichever you would like to chose). If something expands that means it should have been much much smaller at one point of time and it would have had a beginning. All the light, all the energy that we see now was once contained in a single atom.

     So at one point of time you could hold the universe in your hands. But it expanded so fast that it was expanding faster than the speed of light( after all it contained light, no wonder it was faster than light). After a billionth of a second or much smaller amount of time into the expansion it grew from the size of the marble to the size of an orange and then the next extremely small part of a second to the size of mars. Continuing to the next billionth of a second it was larger than 15 times the size of Jupiter.( Kindly dont calculate, i have written down the largest values i knew to disect that second into the smallest values)

To explain this a little more there was a scientist named Albert Einstein who most of you reading this would know. Einsteins great formula which you all know as E =mc squared showed that mass and energy are interchangeable. That led to our great mass destruction weapons but it also showed how the universe created matter. So when a nuclear bomb explodes a small amount of matter is destroyed and converted into energy. In the baby universe the opposite of this happened. It converted pure energy into particles of matter. Anti matter and matter were both created in the universe and if both of them connected then we wouldn’t have even be created. Only energy would be there and violent blasts. There would have been no planets, no stars, no galaxies. But luckily there was an imbalance in the ratio and a major factor for our existance. For every 100 million particles of anti matter there was a 100 million and 1 particles of matter.

   The baby universe was so hot that our mathematical values would fall short to measure it. So as it expanded it cooled. After 1 millionth of a second the universe expanded from a size smaller than an atom to the size 8 times the size of our solar system and it was still pretty hot and is estimated to be around 18 trillion( a little lesser than the whole world economy which is around 77 trillion dollars) degrees farenheit.

            At about three minutes the universe expanded and cooled enough for protons and neutrons to bind together (that was faster than our growing population). Then hydrogen and helium were the first atomic nuclei to form. These were not yet atoms because of the absence of electrons and there were plenty of electrons present but because of the excess heat and energy they were moving way too fast to form bonds.

     It would remain the same way for 3,00,000 years ------ 

3,80,000 years later the universe expanded to the size of the milky way and had cooled from billions of degrees farhenheit to thousands now which led to the creation of the first 2 elements-hydrogen and helium.

        13 billion years ago the universe was still pretty dark. There was no light. Our universe was foggy. But as the universe expanded and cooled the electrons which blocked the light from escaping were grabbed by protons and formed the first fully complete atom of hydrogen and helium. There was a massive flash of light that spread everywhere. Over time this light cooled and today we call that MICROWAVE RADIATION.( please dont confuse it with the heating coffins you keep at home).

    As the light cooled down the universe cooled and started to become dark again. The universe had made only hydrogen and helium atoms but we live in a world with more than a 100 elements. So the universe needed to get hydrogen and helium to fuse and to do that it needed to build stars. At this point the universe was 200 million years old. Spread billions of light years apart and was colder than liquid nitrogen. But our baby universe was not perfect. It had very very tiny cracks in it. Today we see those cracks as galaxies. A space probe launched in 2001 was sent to collect these waves with a lot of complex technologies fixed in it. This program costed 150 million$. The probe collected the microwave radiation which is not visible to our eyes. Then the cracks expanded as the universe expanded and stars were formed in groups in those cracks. So right now we are left with one question how did the rest of the elements form? The stars acted as a nuclear reactors like a hydrogen bomb and their nuclear waste were the new elements. Then fusion reactions in these young stars released a lot of heat and energy which forced atoms to form new heavier elements one after another. (the same happens when you use nuclear reactors to generate electricity and stuff it in cars and claim to save the environment) 

         Then there is the explosion of stars because of which we are alive. Life as we know wouldnt be the same without the explosion of stars. The explosion is basically the iron core which is so dense bursting and sending a shockwave through the layers of the star which results in a supernova. Our sun was formed in one corner of the milky way. Our sun was the debris collected from one of the supernovas. When the mass of the dust becomes too much it begins to burn brightly. After the star is formed the debris left starts to swirl in orbit around the star. Then the clumps of dust and gas become bigger and bigger. The planets form and one of the planets among so many stars and galaxies is ours. Planet Earth.

 end of part 1, theory 1.   


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