Time is something which you can neither feel nor can you touch but you still follow it. It is spread out around the universe like a grid. To just view time you spend thousands and lakhs so that it looks attractive. There are little tiny stones and precious diamonds engraved in them which increase their value. But what is time exactly? Why are you as an individual worried so much about it?

THEORY 2: Time

        Time is stated as the observed phenomena by means of which humans sense and record changes in the environment and universe( i copied this from the net and posted it). This is a general definition of time. But time cannot just be compressed into a sentence. Time works differently on different celestial bodies but one factor remains same-gravity. Gravity is one of the most important factors behind time. Gravity can alter time. Over here we arent talking about the time on you watches or phones im talking about space time. Space time and time are a very different and all of it is mainly altered by gravity . So when did this space time start? How and where?

         To study this factor called time we need to go back in time. The big bang occured 13.8 billion years ago. You can view my earlier blog post where i have mentioned about the big bang and a small reference to space time. The main reason for time and every other thing in our universe was because of the big bang. But speaking about time, time started the moment the big bang occured. Then time was bend by matter and is still being bent. Every time you move you bend time. So that made us come to a conclusion that matter bends time. The greater the mass of the body the more it will bend time. This is one reason to take time and represent it in the form of a graph and show how much matter bends time. In our case it wont matter that much because we are too tiny to make a difference. But our star-the sun has the power to bend time. Confused? The sun is very big and has a very big mass so it makes a huge difference but it cannot just bend time because of its size. It has a core whose gravitational pull is so much that it makes a pit in the graph.

       Though there have been proved theories by great scientists we have a lot to learn about time, how it behaves and functions. Newton gave his theory out which stated time is absolute. The connection of gravity and time hadnt been done but was believed for hundreds of years until Albert Einstein proposed his theory of relativity. His theory shook the whole world and everyones perception of time. 

          Albert Einsteins theory of relativity stated that the faster you move through space the slower time gets. That meant if you were on a train and you see a clock tower ticking and then the train starts to move at light speed the clock will freeze but in reality that clock is still ticking and thesame logic is used for a black hole. Einsteins work was heavily influenced by Newtons laws of motion and Maxwells electromagnetic theory.

   Many of you must have come across the train story where two lightning bolts strike on either side of  Einstein. Lets put you in the scenario and see what happens. You are standing precisely in the middle of the two striking lightning bolts. You recieve light from both the bolts at the same time. Lets say a train passes by. The person in the train wont see the bolts simoulatenously but logically he would see the light closer to him first and then the second. 

       So Einstein decided to make a slight tweak in Newtons laws. He stated that time for you (you are in the train now🚅 ) should slow down to compensate for the increase in speed such that the magnitude remains constant. This came to be known as TIME DIALATION and his newfound theory SPECIAL RELATIVITY.

      Newton believed that time moved forward but Einstein realised that time stretches and contracts varying with velocity. Due to its maleability time like space needed its own demension. But Einstein went ahead and said that the 2 were the same and formed a 4 dimensional fabric called space time!

     Coming back to the graph which you could view above where the suns mass or gravity is making a dent into the grid of space time graph. In the same way the Earth has a gravitational pull and we are pinned to the ground because space is so distorted by the earths mass that it pushes us down from above. The same applies on black holes which are so dense and carry so much matter in them that they alter space time more than you can ever think. Even light is not able to escape once its caught and starts getting pulled!

        Have you seen the movie INTERSTELLAR? Half of you couldnt understand what happened and i was no different but one thing that i did understand was that they went and landed on a planet in the proximity of a black hole and the gravity was so severe that 1 hour there was 7 years on earth. And an example to just give you an easy explanation about how that happens is the example of a falling man. According to special relativity the faster you move through space the slower you move through time. This means that time runs slower on earths surface than above the atmosphere. Different planets have different gravitational pulls that means they accelerate different objects at different speeds!

The closest i could find to a interstellar black hole☝

The black holes theory will be coming up in the upcoming posts. In case you want it faster, settle on a planet close to a black hole!

end of part 2, theory 2.

credits: pics: google pics



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